Welcome to Luverne Public Library

148 East Third Street Luverne, AL 36049
Phone Number: (334) 335-5326

On the 3rd Thursday of every month* "tweens", ages 9 - 12, are invited to join our 4-H Club, and Yoga Class, which are conducted by Katie Lee and Jody Foote, respectively, in the Lt. Col. James A. Watts Conference Room.


December 2019 12th
January 16th
February 19th
March 14th
April 16th
May 21st


The 4-H Club for Tweens runs from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m*.

On the 3rd Thursday of every month* "tweens", ages 9 - 12, are invited to join our 4-H Club. It is held monthly at the Luverne Public Library in our conference room and is conducted by Katie Lee, one of Crenshaw County's Extension Office Agents.

Every month Miss Katie will lead a fun new activity that will include, but not be limited to, cooking, animal care, stewardship, learning about our environment, and artistic expression.

Class size is limited. Anyone wanting to join in the blending, baking, tossing, and flipping fun must register. Call the Library @ 334/335-5326 to save a spot or if you have any questions4-H


From 5:15 to 5:45* is Yoga for Tweens.

This is a wonderful introduction to, or to build on your child's knowledge of, yoga.
Make sure your child dresses comfortably and brings an exercise mat or a large, thick towel, so they can get their yoga on.
~~~~Registration is required for both since class size is limited~~~~

*If there are any changes to the schedule we will place notice A.S.A.P.

Please call us at 334/335-5326 for more information or if you have any questions
You can also find us on Facebook @ Luverne Public Library. All events are posted and you can find a calendar of upcoming programs and events under Notes

These are free programs sponsored by the Crenshaw County Extension office and the Friends of the Library.


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