Hale County Library

1103 Main Street ♦ Greensboro, AL 36744 ♦ 334-624-3409

Greensboro Hale County Library 5 12rqcc z800wText copy

Hale County Library was established in its current building in 1925 although it existed first in a room in the courthouse. The original three-room building was the law office of Thomas Seay, governor of Alabama from 1886 to 1890. The building has been expanded twice. Two rooms and a small patio were added on the east side in the 1980's, and a small building on the west that had been a gas station, a law office, and more recently a branch bank was renovated and attached in 2005.

The Library serves Greensboro and the surrounding areas of Hale County with a collection of some 12,000 books, video tapes, audio books, magazines, local newspapers, and genealogical materials. The library provides services such as as interlibrary loan, internet access, databases for reference, and copying.

The librarians are happy to assist patrons in locating materials and in using the internet and database resources.


Monday 10am - 5:15pm
Tuesday 10am - 5:15pm
Wednesday 10am - 5:15pm
Thursday Closed
Friday 10am - 5:15pm
Saturday 9am - 12 noon
Sunday Closed




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