Killen Public Library

325 J.C. Mauldin Hwy♦ Killen, AL 35645 ♦ 256-757-5471Killen


The library has a collection of 10,000 volumes in print encompassing current fiction and non-fiction for children, young adults and adults.

Current hardcopy magazines and newspapers are available for patrons to enjoy while visiting the library and can be checked out for 8 days.

Video Material:

DVD's may be checked out on an adult card. These include recreational and educational topics.

Summer Reading Program:

The library offers a professional quality summer reading program to all children from 3 years to teens. The program encourages children to read for pleasure and is designed to keep children reading year-round. The program also provides an opportunity for children to socialize with peers. Incentive prizes, entertaining programs are part of the program.


Genealogy Room:

A genealogy area and two computers are available for genealogy research. The computers have loaded on them.


Story Time:

Storytime each Thursdays at 10:00am starting September 22 for preschoolers and homeschoolers

Photocopier: Copies follow the same pricing as printing fees already mentioned

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