Book Store is closed until further notice


The library has a collection of over 75,000 items encompassing current fiction and non-fiction, classic favorites, and out of print materials for all ages. We have local history information as well as genealogy of some local families. The library strives to collect all materials on Odenville and St. Clair County as space and funds permit. The Christian fiction and Western fiction collections are very popular.

For regular library card holders there are movies on DVD.


Copy/print service .25 per page
Lamination $1.00 per page


Used bookstore has special sales. Call for the next date. Visit the bookstore, sit and read on the patio, and enjoy the garden between the library and the used bookstore. Funds raised by the Friends of the Library are used to support the library.

PROGRAMS: (are on hold at the present time)

Ukulele Library Club meets monthly on the first Friday. 9:30 a.m. for adults and 10:30 for home school students.

Beginner ukulele meets the 3rd Wednesday at 4 p.m. The lessons and music are free.

Knitting for a Cause meets the 3rd Tuesday from 11 – 12.


Meets quarterly on the third Tuesday at 11 a.m. Meetings are open to the public.


Current magazines and journals are available for patrons to enjoy.  We also accept donations of magazines and newspapers, as we are trying to grow our periodical section.

Audio Books:

Current favorites, classic and children's audio material is available for checkout.

Videos and DVD:

Educational and recreational videos / DVD's may be checked out two at a time for a two day period at no charge.

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